Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday 5/29

When I got home tonight, Laura was watching the history channel. I very impressed to see the director of one of the NPOs I am working with being interviewed. Gave me a good feeling.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday 5/28

Worked all day, not much got done on MPM.

bzm: Glad you liked my thoughts on 90 days. You will receive may blessings if you work with nature.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday, 5/27

Greetings all, I had a great holiday. I even got a lot done.

I am happy to report that I did my follow ups, and helped Laura with her MPM. Best news is an NPO I have talked to several times and haven't been able to reach for the last month, I finally connected with. The director has agreed to meet with me next week.


Friday, May 22, 2009


I have had a series of problems with my Internet service. It all began when the power flickered and threw the circuit breaker. It took a while to figure this out. Once discovered we restored power and all was fine for a while. then we lost service again. We spent two hours on the phone with a technician. We were not able to restore the service. Then, mysteriously, the service suddenly came back.

Needless to say, I haven't been posting tom my blog in the absence of the Internet service. there isn't much to catch up on other than I have spent some time working on the Earth Angel project and I have been following up with my NPOs.

bzm: Thank you for acknowledging that we have warm weather here as well as cold weather.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I know you would all like to hear about my MPM day but first, I 'm going to tell you about the weather. Here in Minnesota we are very proud of our weather and we like to talk about it a lot. Please indulge me for a minute. Today we broke an all time temperature record--it got up to 97 here in the city. The temp never got that high all year last year. In northern Minnesota, the high was only 40 today and in southern Minnesota the high was 100 today.

I had a good day today, I made lots of follow up calls to my NPOs. I also talked on the training call about Earth Angels. Just to let you know how this works, my Earth Angel, a very special angel, helped me set up my blog so that I can follow other people's blogs. I have never seen anyone else's blog--not because I don't care about other people's blogs, I do. I haven't read anyone Else's blog because up until today, I didn't know how to get in. My Earth Angel helped me get set up so that I can follow other's blogs. Thanks Earth Angel.

If anyone reading this would like some help from an Earth Angel, please contact us. We are here to help you grow your business. If something is standing in the way of you growing your business, we want to help you remove it. Again, it does not have to be an MPM issue--if you need help, we are here to help you.

Lastly, I am happy to say that we made another purchase on our mall today.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Long Monday

I had planned to get some follow up calls in this morning before I went to work but that didn't happen. I also hoped to get my MPM order in--that didn't happen either. Planning for a better day tomorrow.

Also planning to be on the call tomorrow.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Follow up

Today was my long day at work so nothing got done on MPM after work. However, I did get some follow up calls in this morning before I went to work.


Thursday, May 14, 2009


Had a whole bunch of personal things to do today when I got home from work. There was little time for MPM. However, one of those things was to make a significant purchase from our mall. We did do that tonight. I am still working on my book purchase.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am happy to say that I did follow ups with my NPOs today. Unfortunately, one of them has decided to put off taking any action until fall. Their busiest time is in the summer and they don't want to start any new projects at this time.

I have also found a new NPO to work with. I have not done my research yet but I have some good ideas that I think they might like.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Went to an NPO meeting this morning. I participated in their fund raising breakfast. I didn't get to talk to the people I had hoped to talk to. I did however get to cement relationships with three others who will have a say so in the end.

bzm: Thanks for the encouraging words about B&N. I will probably end up there.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Another long day

Yes, today was another long day so not much got done on MPM. I did spend some more time on my MMPM. Like any one else, I don't like to pay any more than necessary. In this case I am buying number of books and I am trying to figure out whether it will cost more to buy new books or used books. Some new books have free shipping, some don't. None of the used books is coming from the same place so all have some freight. If I take the time to research, I might be able to find two books from the same source. In some cases the used books with freight cost less than new books that are freight free. Also, if I don't buy enough new books (my budget will not allow me to buy all of the books new) the freight will not be free on the new books either. I have got several hours into this order already. That's way too much time.

Last week I said I would spend some time on the training call talking about the Earth Angel Program. Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to make tomorrows training call. I will try to be on next weeks call.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Long Day

today is one of two long days that I have. After work I spent my time on putting together an order for purchase from MPM. I spent a lot more time on it than I should have and the order is still not ready.


Spending on the mall

Tonight Laura and I spent my MPM time discussing what we buy and how we can buy more of what we buy on our mall. We came up with some creative ideas which I will be happy to share, later. We did conclude that we don't buy much other than gas, groceries, and mortgage. We use American Express in those places that take it.
We also discussed ways to devote more time to growing our business and helping the people on our team. Time seems to be a critical issue for us.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Today I had a little diversion. My phone is very important to me in my MPM work and it stopped working this week. I tried everything to get it to work but I think it's time has come--time to go to the happy hunting ground for phones. I can get along without a fancy phone with all the bells and whistles, my current phone does not take pictures, can not text, can not do Internet, and the screen is in black and white. However, in order to do my MPM work, I do need a phone. Today I drew the line and diverted three hours of my MPM time to finding a phone that would function for me.

bzm: Again, thanks for the kind words. I will try to be on the Tuesday calls and even though I am "a man of few words" I will participate when ever I can. I will even pass along what little knowledge I have, even if it isn't about NPOs. And lest it pass by un-noticed, great job on the call yourself!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Got a good night's sleep and I feel refreshed. Today i was able to be on the call. I due to scheduling at my day job, the only call I can make is the Tuesday one. It seems like every Tuesday there is some place I have to be so that I can not be on the call. Today everything worked out and I could be on the call. Not only on it, the "man of few words" was asked to identify himself and talk. I did not say anything about Earth Angels but apparently I should have. Next time I will make it a point to talk about Earth Angels.


Monday, May 4, 2009


I know that I am supposed to be reporting my advancements in MPM on this blog. Today I did some yoard work before I left for regular work. I left at 10:00 AM With the exception of a 16 minute break for luch, I ran all day. I got home at ten minutes to ten PM at which time I made some supper.

I did not make any progress on MPM today so I am not reporting any.

I am bushed and I am going to bed.


Saturday, May 2, 2009


I thought last night was Saturday night so I didn't post a blog. Sorry! Even though I don't do blogs on the week end, I will do one tonight since I missed last night.

I had a long hard day today and I didn't do anything on MPM.

bzm: Thanks for the good wishes on my health. I need to do more research on this NPO. All of the things that they support, that I have been able to find out about, I support. While they are an actual NPO, I am not convinced, yet, that their organizational set up is one that I can work with.
