Thursday, April 16, 2009

After a day at work, I spent the evening trying to figure out the new health care package. there are three options, each one a little more expensive than the previous one. The information given on the options is helpful but there are many questions that are unanswered. Whether there are questions or not, I must make a decision by tomorrow morning as to which option I am taking. It is very frustrating trying to make a decision without important information. Which ever option I pick will be locked in tomorrow and money will start coming out of my check. I will not be able to change it for a period of one year.

bzm: thanks for the kind words about my trip.

sw: Thanks for the information on time management. I have checked out the site and found that I have too many fires--I will have to eliminate some.


1 comment:

Big Z and his Mom said...


I'm really sorry to learn about the plight your employer has put you and your co-workers in over the benefit change. I trust that, now armed with the pertinent information, during your dream time this night, an answer will come. In the morning, you will know which plan is the most appropriate for you and your family.

Kudos on recognizing the "fires" in your life. For years now, we have been working toward "creation vs. reaction". We still have a long way to go. Let us know how it feels when you're able to eliminate some fires, and, how you came to their elimination.

Sleep well ;-).