Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sat 20

It snowed all day today. Not sure how much accumulation we really got because the wind is blowing and causing it to drift. The drifts are a little over a foot so we got less than that in accumulation. The wind continues to blow and the ground temp is below zero--that means the wind chill is about -20.

I was at work most of the day and after a long commute on unploughed roads, I finally arrived at home just in time to shovel snow. I know you would like to hear about how I spent the rest of the evening doing follow ups. That didn't happen. I got something to eat and now I am writing this blog.

I have got a lot more snow shoveling ahead of me tomorrow. We will see what happens after that.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thurs 18

A couple of days of rest. I have had a chance to do some Christmas shopping and talk to people about the boot camp. I can honestly say I did not find anyone interested in hearing about it. They were preoccupied with running here and running there. I thought, how sad, until I realized that is exactly what I have been doing. During this relaxation period I am going to re-think my approach. Running, running, running is not the answer. There is a better way and I hope to know what it is before this holiday ends.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tues 16

A most interesting day, many new developments for the campers were announced today. I believe the early holiday relaxation is a good thing. I, for one, will get a chance to "catch up". I have been falling behind in checking other peoples blogs, keeping up with my own mall, and yes, I'm behind in my follow ups. I am thankful for this relaxation period. I am also thankful for the opportunity to reflect on the spirituality of the season. In fact, I am thankful to have a moment to myself to do any reflecting at all.

Something else that came out of the call was the buddy plan. I believe this is a very good idea. Not just for the relaxation period. I believe it is a good idea going forward. Whoever came up with this idea, I thank you very much.

I even got to finish the last five pages of a motivation book I started some time ago and have not had the time to get back to. It's a great book, I recommend it to all the campers: The Instant Millionaire by Mark Fisher. For those of you who might be wondering, this is definitely NOT a get rich quick book.

Yes, today has been a great day indeed.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Mon 15

You already know it's -30 up here. I was happy to hear on this morning's call that the priority on the 5 names each day has been relaxed a slight bit if the time is correspondingly spent on follow ups. I am a strong believer in follow ups and if it comes to a choice, and there will be times when it does, the priority should be put on the follow ups over the five new names. Until this morning, I have interpreted the message from management as being get the five new names each day first, then 'if there is time to do follow ups, do them after you first get the five new names.

It was also made clear on the call that this is not an even exchange--we can not elect to do follow ups instead of getting the five new names. We must keep filling our funnel with names. If it happens that we get less than five one day because we were doing follow ups, we won't be removed from the camp. However, we must keep adding new names everyday.

Ginny, thanks for the clarification.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Fri 12

Didn't get as much accomplished today as I had hoped. Enjoyed the morning call and learned a lot of valuable things about follow ups. I can put these things in to practice immediately.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thur 11

It was a good day, I got all five beans moved. I spent a lot of time doing follow ups tonight. Many people were not home. Probably out doing Christmas shopping that they could be doing on their mall, if they had one. Those I did reach had not viewed the web site yet. I took the time to get to know each one a little better and find out more about their "whys". At the end of the call we set at time for me to call back


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wed 10

A unique, or may be it's not so unique, thing happened to me today. I took my wife's car in for an oil change and when I got inside I put my boot camp card down on the counter. I knew they would ask for the license plate number and I couldn't remember it so my wife wrote the number on the back of the card for me.

The attendant saw the card and immediately exclaimed in an excited voice, "What's that?" I leaned in closer to the counter and explained that I had been selected to be in this boot camp and that I had agreed to help ten people in the next 60 days and that as part of the boot camp I was working to raise money for the homeless.He thought that was great and wanted to know more and specifically if I would help him. I told him I could let him have the card so he could check out our web site but only if he gave me his name, phone and email so I could check back to see what he thought and answer any questions he might have after he checked out the web site.He eagerly gave the information and I let him have the card.Of course I paid for the oil change with my American Express gift card and casually mentioned that every time I use this gift card I get a commission on that too. I let him know that there is a possibility that he might be able to get one of these "commission bearing" gift cards.

I mention all of this because I got the oil changed on my car a week earlier at a different location. I was all excited about just joining the boot camp and wanted to tell every one I saw. explained everything to the attendant while waiting for the oil to be changed. After explaining about the boot camp I asked the attendant if he would like to check out the web site and my blog which explains my daily progress. He said "No" he didn't have a computer. I suggested he could use one at the library. He said he didn't like computers and he did not want to check out our site. This is why I felt today's experience was unique at least compared to last week.

Life just gets better and better,


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tues 09

I met with many people today. Some were interested because of the good they can for their group of interest some were just curious. All things considered, it was a good day for this boot camper.

I did some reflecting on the day and the poem: I Bargained with Life for A Penny by Rittenhouse came to mind. The point of the poem is that whatever you ask of life, life will give. Lately I have been asking for more and life is giving more. It is true, we are free to ask for what ever we want. If we don't ask for much, life will honor our request. But the opposite is just a s true, if you demand more, life will give you more.

Surprise, surprise, today I asked for more and I got more. Isn't life a wonderful thing?


Monday, December 8, 2008

Mon 08

The end of another nine hour shift, an hour commute through a snow storm and here I am. The follow ups I had intended to do tonight are not done, my household chores are not done, and yes, I still need to shovel the snow yet to night.

However, I don't believe the readers of this blog check it because they want a weather report. They can get that from their local TV station or even better yet on the Internet. I believe they check this blog because they want to know how I am doing in the World Changer Boot Camp and how I am helping Families Moving Forward. I can tell you that on that end, progress is slower than anticipated but it is steady. I am making lots of contacts.

This boot Camp was set up on the power of five. The power of five concept is just as valid today as it was when it was presented however, two weeks into the "reality" boot camp we must recognize the reality is the time frame as it was set up is not the exact reality we are seeing right now. Does that mean the power of five does not work? No, it certainly does not. The power of five works just as well now as it ever has. We can not and must not judge the concept only two weeks into the program. I have been in sales for forty-two years and I have sen many sales campaigns sag a little at the beginning only to rally three quarters of the way in and finish as the best campaigns we ever ran.

I say these things because we are not dead on projection right now. I am extremely confident that as time goes by you will all see the reality meet the projection. It has in the past and it will this time too.

Thanks for listening to my soap box sermon,


Friday, December 5, 2008

Fri 05

After a nine hour shift, it was a slow go home. We are experiencing a mild snow storm--not one of those blizzards Minnesota is famous for. I passed two accidents on the highway and got to shovel snow when I finally got home.

I really want to thank Ginny for the wonderful talk she gave this morning on stress and pressure. It came at exactly the right time. I wasn't very happy about getting home late and then having to shovel snow when I got there. Yes, these things did put me behind but instead of getting frustrated, I thought about Ginny's talk, about the reason why I believe I am supposed to be here in this boot camp, and a certain calm comes. At this point I know this is definitely not going to be easy--it is going to be a lot harder than I envisioned. At this point I also know the victory is ours, we have already succeeded, but this victory will not be handed to us on a silver platter. We have to fight for it! Thanks Ginny.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thurs 04

Today was not nearly as productive as I had hoped. I worked all day and got home fifteen minutes before the evening call. Right at the very end of the call a personal emergency situation came up and I had to drop everything and leave. I am happy to say everything has been restored to normal and no immediate harm was done.Unfortunately, two hours of valuable time which can never be replaced was lost in the restoration process.

Yet life goes on and I am more excited than ever to make this project work Anyone can do it, it is true, but we are the lucky ones who get to show the world it can be done.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wed 3

Had a great day out talking to people. Most people were receptive-some weren't. Tried to spend most of my time following up with people I had contacted earlier. In general, I am still very excited about the good I can do for the FMF foundation and when things start to drag as they did several times today, I thought about the families I was helping and they gave me renewed energy.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tues 02

I'm happy to report another success with the golden five. No, it is not getting any easier but knowing that I am making a difference for Families Moving Forward gives me motivation to get out there and find those people who are just waiting to be included in this project.

How do I do it? I can tell you that I don't go speeding down the highway in hopes that a patrolman will pull me over so I can tell him a nice little story and give him a card. I have been involved in social justice work for a number of years and I have met many people. It is my hope that many of them are aware of the great need at Families Moving Forward. I started with people I knew had an exposure to the program and then moved on to anyone I could get to listen.

I tell them that I am a part of a select group of twenty-five people in the world who were chosen to participate in the World Changer Reality Boot Camp. I tell them that I have made a commitment to help 10 people achieve and income of $2000 a month in 60 days. In addition, I have made a commitment to set up a foundation for Families Moving Forward. I ask them if they would be willing to look a web site to see how the money for the foundation will be generated and how they can become participants.I also ask them to visit my blog site. I give them the card and ask if I can get their phone and e-mail so that I can follow up to get their comments. They are usually just as excited about helping Families Moving Forward as I am so I ask for a referral.

I am aware that this is a first person account of how it goes and not a third person rendition complete with he said, she said, but I am sure you can all fill in the blanks. Hopefully this will help those of you who are committed to building foundations but don't know where to start. Should anyone want more help with their foundations please feel free to contact me. I would welcome the opportunity to help.


Monday, December 1, 2008

A day in the life of "Anyone can do this"

I started out the day by rounding up my golden five. Then a follow up in person to one of my card holders from last week, followed by a commute to work Once there, I got on the morning camper call. When it was over I put in my nine hour shift and made the commute home. I got there in time to catch the last half hour of the Monday night call. I grabbed a bite and began making follow up calls until it was time to write my daily report and do this blog.

Ginny had asked me to expand upon my step by step procedure in using the foundation in my presentation call. I am certainly happy to do that but it is already past 9:00 PST when this blog is supposed to be finished. I better save that for tomorrows blog.
